Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Fraps isn't all fun and games..
I wanted to do a quick post about Fraps, and how it can be useful to you, the Raid Leader, or even you, the general guildy.
Fraps is a software package that you can use to record your in-game antics. It is relatively cheap, and the return on this is huge.... at least if you are like me.
Let's back up for a minute here.
I am a Co-Raid Leader for my guild and that makes it my job to be more prepared than anyone else in the guild for a new Boss event. So I've developed a Boss studying strategy (wow, that's deep, a strat for strats), that has proven to be very useful in me gaining the understanding I need for a particular fight.
Below is an outline of the steps I take when I am prepping for one of these occasions.
Step 1:
I always start with youtube. I look up "How to BossXYZ" I pick one that looks like it has text clues inside of it, and I watch it a couple times. I pause on all the text, and make sure I take in what it says. I look for things that stand out, in regards to positioning, the perspective of the videotaker (tank/dps/healer), and make an effort to pick up on visual queues from the described abilities.
Step 2:
I Then venture over to bosskillers and preview their strat there, and read about all the abilities.
I try and then do what I can to recall what I saw in regards to each one, and lay the groundwork for the more technical put-the-raid-to-sleep aspects if the fight, in my brain. I observe the diagrams and ponder about how it will fit my raid, or how it will involve a heavy melee raid, or a heavy ranged raid.
Step 3:
I go back to the video I watched again.
This sort of connects the fight entirely in my brain. When I come back to the video it is with a very solid base, and I feel like I truely get a good grasp on what is going on, and put the icing on my in-brain strategy.
Usually that was the last step for me. Back before TK, that usually was enough, since we were overgeared from badge loot, and could power through a lot of mistakes.
Tangent: An example being that one time on Tidewalker our top DPS warlock was going to pull with a Curse of Doom (He used to be our main tank), and called out for a Blessing of Protection from our Pally healer. The Pally was used to him being the MT and mistakenly BoP'ed our tank when Tidewalker was at 3%. We were able to knock out that 3% fast enough that he didn't wipe our entire ride, but wow..That was a funny night!
Step 4:
This one I have added to my arsenal recently. I use the delightful tool of Fraps to record each First Boss Attempt. I then find myself like an old college basketball coach in a film room, scouring the footage I have, to see if there was something I missed, or what we could do better in terms of positioning and so forth.
In the end I have found it an incredibly useful tool for me, and would highly recommend it, if you are struggling on how to better rework strats, or if you are simply looking for another safety layer with leading your raids, or performing on your guild's raids.
Plus as a bonus, if you have the time to throw together a cool rendition of the movie for your guild, they will love you for it!
Friday, August 15, 2008
What I have been up to..
I haven't blogged for a while. Life has been busy, and I have actually authored a couple of posts that haven't quite reached publishing.
Here is what they are about... I may never post them, but they are there in case I want to.
One is about me fighting burnout, and a breakdown of my two weeks of tracking my time used in conjunction with wow.
One is about me battling Vista and intermittant lag spikes (which I bested, hooray me!)
One is about whether or not I should gkick the guy that talks to himself endlessly in gchat, and constantly begs for instance runs, while everyone else is silently annoyed.
All of them, I guess I haven't had the motivation to write, so I am going to put this out here. I will continue to write, I am just facing some writer's block (22 blocked) ahahahha.
At any rate, I thought I would throw this up, and list some of my goals before WotLK comes out.
- Level Tigraine (Tankadin) to 70
- Level Davidlopan (warlock) to at least 35-40
- successfully help lead my guild at least halfway into T6 content.
Not many there...and the only one that will be REALLY hard will be the first one. I hate questing. I hate it with the burning passions of a thousand stars. Well..ok, I don't hate it that much, but I really don't like it. I figure with a tank, I can live in instances.
Lopan I am going to be reading and revelling in the lore.. I hate questing when I am trying to level up, but I am finding the side of the quests that was meant to be enjoyed, and reading them all completely, and following the ones I like the most.
Leading the guild halfway through T6... It might prove pretty difficult too. An update.. We got started VERY late as a progression guild, but we have managed to get to 4/6 in SSC and 3/4 in TK and we are attempting Kael on Monday. We will beat on him for a couple more weeks, and whether we get him or not, its on to MH and BT. With WotLK looming over our heads at this point, gear no longer matters... Everyone we have is geared like mad, and we have clobbered everything we try. We are more interested in seeing content at this point.
Fighting Kael will be Epic.. Going back in time and doing MH will be epic.. Setting foot in BT for the first time will be epic.
Way back when we were conceiving this guild in our minds, I didn't have the slightest idea we would get this far this fast.. When a rogue of ours expressed that he was really excited to see BT and MH, I silently scoffed to myself about the unlikeliness of that, and that we would do the best we could, and probably get stuck in TK, and call it quits.... But now... within weeks, we will be a T6 guild! Its really a testament to how awesome our Raiders are, and how much hard work they put in!
Good work!
[1 - Exiting the Requiem Channel]
Monday, July 21, 2008
Shaking up the schedule
For Lurker this is really no big deal, and we've done him before with essentially 3-4 healers (one of our 4 died early). In doing Leotheras with 5 healers was somewhat of a feat, IMO, and I was really impressed with everyone involved. Especially considering the fact it was our second-time-ever killing him.
At the end of killing him though, we found ourselves with about 45 minutes left, and nothing really to do. We though about doing FLK, or Tidewalker, but decided that Tidewalker was too much trash to go directly to, and that FLK was probably too much of a strain for 5 healers, especially when two had never been to him before. What do you choose to do? We only raid three hours on raid nights, since most of our raiders have jobs, and families to appease, so we prefer not to push longer than the alotted time, but we knew that everyone was kind of left wanting.
Luckily, we were prepared. As a GM, I do my best to constantly be prepared for such occurances. Have an backburner item, or a funtivity stored up. That way, on those odd nights, you have something to do.
For us, it turned out to be a huge success. We gave old Doomlord Kazzak a shot. We all flew over there, and tried to prep up right in front of him...well, he seems to get a larger aggro radius when there's a large group of people there. We pulled him over and over, it was pretty funny. We got three solid cracks at him, and even got him down to about 25-30%. It truely was a load of fun. It took many people in the guild by surprise that we were going to do it, and everyone was really excited to try a new boss.
That's not the best part though! After we did that a few times, naturally we attracted some alliance attention. Due to the unfortunate nature of them trying to screw us up, we decided to get even. We raided honor hold. First things first..we killed the 5 Alliance that were camping some of our faction near Spinebreaker. It was truely hilarious to see the panic in them as horde after horde landed, and started attacking them. After this we went in and cleaned the town's clock for about an hour. Everyone stayed late, and the laughing and joking on vent, was truly great.
So much fun to be had, so little time. We have some more fun ideas stored up for our guild (and maybe even some others) that we intend to unleash when the time is right.
We learned a valuable lesson though.. Sometimes you need to break it up. Sometimes, even in a casual guild, raiding can grow tiresome. We have no attendance rules, and take many different people each week, but we continue to succeed Sometimes its not enough, though. If you're a GM, and haven't implemented some sort of fun raiding time, you might want to look into it. The team building, and just plain fun of it really has a way of bringing a group together.
Here are some ideas I CAN tell you about.
-Level 1 race across a zone we have no business being in at that level (gold prizes)
-Random draw 2v2, or 3v3 guild tourney in the arenas. (prizes)
-Random Alli town raids (just for fun)
More ideas are to come as we brainstorm. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
WoW is just a game... right?
"Hell, I don't know, maybe?" (for 10 points, name that movie)
This is a topic that is of great interest to me. I read blogs about this sort of thing, and I gobble them up, think about them, digest them, and then read them again. I probably don't have much to offer this perspective, save my own, but hey, that is why you are reading my blog right? For my perspective? Good, glad we got that part out of the way.
Again, I'll throw some brief background and update into the mix. I want to brag for a second, so bear with me. I am the 'proud' pwner of a level 70 (currently resto) Shaman in a fairly successful raiding guild. Our guild is young, but our core is ridiculously strong, knowledgeable, and for the most part, humble and open to improvement. We have been raiding since the beginning of June, and have cleared 4/6 in SSC, and it will be 5/6 as soon as we can get our resist tanks on in the same night, or quite frankly...really care about getting Hydross. We raid two nights a week, for 3 hours tops, each raid. We farmed Gruul and Mag for a bit, and then started in SSC. Over the past 3 weeks, we have gotten first kills on Tidewalker, FLK, and leotheras..usually on our first night of attempts.
Ok, bragging out of the way. So I have had this discussion with my girlfriend several times, and I decided that it would be fun to blog about it. Is WoW just a game? Straight out of the gate, one can always say 'yes.' It is classified as an MMORPG, and we can guess what the 'G' stands for. While it never ceases to be, in fact, a game, it seems to become so much more whenever we enter it (Royal we).
I spend quite a bit of time in the game. I love it. I look forward to it every day. I love the grind, I love the raids, I even, when all is said and done, love resolving guild issues, and explaining for the 100th time why we are not doing TK, or bosses in Hyjal (Oh, I failed to mention above, I am one of the GMs of this guild). I even love the outside time I spend that is related to the game, like reading boss strats, moderating the forums, and the website, and discussing guild direction with my fellow GMs.
So what does this make WoW to me? I don't know... maybe a Hobby, maybe an escape, perhaps as chick gm explains, a way of life/committment, a job? I think in regards to myself, all of these apply. When it is a raid day, I make sure I get home from work at a certain time, give myself proper prep time, and even my girlfriend makes room for this sort of thing in her schedule (whether it's bringin' snacks, snuggling up with a book, or working on her dissertation, or even leveling her own character).
Raiding is probably the most workly aspect of the game. As a GM and assistant Raid Leader, it is mainly my (Really 'our') responsibility to make sure we have the necessary people, smoothe the edges on those that don't get to go, distribute loot fairly and appropriately, set a good example, and most importantly, make sure as many people as possible are having fun.
The committment/way-of-life aspect is partially outlined above, but it goes further than that. That comes in mediating disputes, salving hurt feelings, or helping gear up some new recruits by scheduling Karazhan runs around them, so they can get the gear and badges they need to improve their performance.
I used WoW as an escape for the many hours I felt sorry for myself after a bad relationship, and now, I use it chill out after a particularly heinous day at work, or after a sucktacular commute.
As a hobby, it kinda fits nicely into all of these categories. It helps me build aspects that may not seem overly important, but to me, they are, and will eventually come in handy. I research for boss fights, which will be useful in future jobs, or school classes (well, the research part). I manage up to 20-some-odd volunteers, which will be vaulable in management positions I may hold in the future. I grind out rep in tedium, and mats, and badges to accomplish goals I have set, and marked down for measurement, which can prove valuable, because lets face it... life can be full of tedium. I even mess with video editting software, so I can put together boss-kill movies so that everyone can rewatch the great events.
Getting back to the hobby, I can retire to my office (the garage), after work, and get into comfy clothes (overalls), and start to work on dailies (polishing engine parts, and doing body repair work), and twice every week, I put on my working duds, and take that ol' car out for a spin, and feel all that time I put into it, pay off.
Really though.. It's just a game though... right?
Hell, I don't know, maybe?
As a subtext of this post, I am going to start this coming Sunday, and I am going to log all of my time in-game, and out-of-game, that I spend in regards to WoW, and I will report back my findings. It ought to be fun! Thanks for stopping by!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Letting them know..

I know this seems like a silly question, and lets face it, if you are at all doing your job as a GM, or the Raid Leader, you usually have this posted in at least one of two places, if not both.
- Guild Message of the Day
- Guild Website (if you have one)
I know it's not really a big deal to answer the question, or refer them to where they can find it, but I'd like to throw a little plug in here.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Milestones For the Record Book
- Each level of course is a Milestone.
- Each class has certain level Milestones.. I know I was excited for Ghostwolf at 20.
- Level 40 (soon to be 30) for the mount.
- Level 60 for epic riding mount
- Level 70 for a bunch of reasons.
- First guild Karazhan run (My first ever as well).
- First T4 passed out (down with Curator!).
- First Prince kill.
- First Nightbane kill.
- First 25 man run.
- First Gruul/Mags etc., kills.
I guess since we have recently formed our new guild, there have been many particularly special to me, since I was very involved in the structure and formation of said guild. We also had a really important one just last night, so this has really been on my brain. I am really excited about it, but I will get to that in a minute.
First I want to talk about some of the Milestones in the new guild, and what has made them special for me.
The first was, obviously, the formation of our guild. As stated above, I had a lot of say, and was able to be a huge driving force in the realm of making it happen. I feel like (and I am sure everyone feels this way about their own guild) I have been a major part in creating a guild that is truely unique. A progression guild that has no DKP, no EP/GP system, and is pretty much based completely on free mainspec roll, then free offspec roll. It's fair, and I believe it shows our guild that we believe largely in consideration, and encourage everyone to make that choice for themselves. I pride myself on how many considerate raiders we have.
The next few are obvious.. Our first raid was special because...well it was our first raid. We went in and one-shot Gruul (not HK though - dang), and we did it in a fairly timely manner, and we did it in 9 grows. Along with this is our first Mag kill, and our first Lurker kill. We one-shot them both in our second week of raiding.
Last night was one of the most important for me, even if it doesn't seem that great. This is the one that has me thinkin'. Last night on 6/30/08, we downed Morogrim Tidewalker. Yeah, not a big deal, but for me it really was. Forget that we got him within our first month of raiding (6/2/08 was our very first raid), and forget that we got him in our 13th (spread across three separate raids) attempt. This one was big for me because it was our first truely "All us" progression.
I am not talking about PuG's though. I am referring to the fact that before we had ever done Gruul, We had (we being the raid/guild leaders) been there before. Same with Mag. Same with Lurker. Unlike those, Tidewalker took hours of poring over strats, stats, and shats (sucky attempts), to come up with a solution that fit our player set. Numerous healing setups and murloc-tank permutations abounded, and we were able to really figure it out, and we did it by ourselves. Obviously we had knowledge of giants to lean on, but it really brought a huge sense of accomplishment to myself (and our whole guild). For them it may not be as special as it was for me, but listening to the cheers and whoops and hollars on vent made me feel really proud.
These are the milestones that really thank you for a thankless job. It makes all the mediating, and recruiting rigamarole really worthwhile. It makes the countless hours administrating the website and moderating forums worthwhile. It makes the sometimes-painful gearing runs all worthwhile. It even makes the extra money spent for the website, vent, and domain hosting worthwhile.
In short, it was super-rad, and it will be hard to beat, but there's a lot more game where that came from, and I am sure the first pieces of T5 that get handed out will be so sweet in their own respect, as well as the first bosskill we get in TK, and beyond!
And even if they never read it, I would like to thank all those in our guild. You work hard, you play hard, and you get the job done. I appreciate all that you do to better your play, to help each other, and to simply rock the house.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Two weeks of work..
The tricky part about being a GM is you have to be a good example. We have a group of players in our guild that throw kara runs together on a regular basis, and they all have alts that they bring. That's fine by me, but when it's a group of nine, and half their alts are in other guilds, it starts to look really bad. It gives off the impression that those involved are unwilling to run with anyone else in the guild, thus creating a "Boy's Club." Yeah I know we don't want to run with everyone all the time, but it certainly helps bring the guild together if more people get included.
As a GM I have taken it upon myself to set the example. I put together a weekly kara run for those that are trying to achieve raid status, and that need to get more gear and practice. I advertise it throughout the week and end up running it on a Saturday. Unfortunately, though I usually end up picking up all the people that got left out, and if I ever have to ask someone to step out, I feel extra bad. Sometimes these runs can be painful if we can't bring in any of our overpowered people.
So why would I put myself through this? Yeah, I don't need anything from Kara, and yeah, I don't even need any badge loot, but it sets a precedent within my guild that I think needs to be resonated througout - that everyone should be included. As a side bonus I also get to run with as many people as possible, and it helps me to get a feel for how they are as raiders, and as people, so I can more effectively be in a position to help them out, or bring them along as necessary.
Recruiting is always an interesting topic for me. I spend a lot of time on other guilds' websites looking into the recruiting process (or at least applications). I do this so I can get a better grasp of how I can go about this process. I am not in charge of recruiting, but I am the backup when our recruiting officer is unavailable (which he thankfully hasn't been yet..WHEW). I also have found that I actually really enjoy going through other guilds' applicants, if for no other reason than to try to get to know these players through their applications. I am not sure if this helps me at all, but I like it a lot. ChickGM has three really good posts on this process so far (applications, good bad and ugly of apps, interviewing -- post app). At any rate.. What is the point here? I guess my point is that when you come up with an application process, make sure everyone has to go through it, even 'shoe-ins' that you know will make it. It's all about fairness, and showing everyone that even you cannot subvert the rules.
There are a few other things I'd like to talk about, but this blog is already getting too long..
I will wrap up with a quick update to my travels, as well as the new guild's.
I have spec'd back to Elemental.. Enhancement was fun while it lasted, but Elemental is just so much better a spec for me. Incursion has downed Gruul twice, and got Magtheridon on its first shot. We already had many experienced in those instances though, so its not a huge accomplishment, but its pretty cool that on the first day of week 3 as a guild, we will be downing The Lurker Below, and maybe trying another boss or two in SSC.
Thanks for reading!!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Enhancement and Incursion
First off, I am glad to say that we have figured out how to solve our problem with raiding. We are forming a new guild. What? That seems intuitive.. Part of the reason we were unable to move further than we really could was due to the lack of structure of the current guild. Problem is.. That's what makes it so much fun. Well with the new guild we will do what we can to keep some of that looseness but kinda give ourselves the ability to shore up the edges on the raiding situation. A great quote for it would be "You can raid in a casual guild, but you cannot raid casually" Perhaps one day I'll elaborate more on that, but probably not, but we have found it to be the only way to move on to 25 mans and to foster an environment that is more conducive to success in raiding.
Second off, to state my adventures a little bit.. I decided due to the current flux we will be undergoing that raiding will be likely a little tabled for a bit, so I couldn't think of a better time to go enhancement. Since I have been the only shammy in most of our runs, and we rarely have hunters (weird, huh?), I have been able to amass quite a decent set (third offset). I finally was able to take the decapitator off prince since it was going to be a DE, and went and bought the new badge offhand. I enchanted them both up on mongoose, and spend a good amount of gold (~500) to round up gems, and to buy a head glyph, and such. All said and done, I was pretty rusty, but had nice gear, and was ready to try out my new spec.
First thing I did was land in a normal Slave Pens run, but was a little disheartened that I couldn't do much over 400 dps. This seemed kinda sucky considering I was using the correct rotation of Stormstrike, Earth shock, Earthshock. I also had around 1300 AP and 25% crit, so I was like wth!
Well I was pretty bummed after that run, but wrote it off to being rusty, so the second thing I did was run a normal shadow labs.. more on my level than SP, and hopefully mobs live long enough for me to get into some sort of groove. Well we were running with a tank that was working on building up her tanking set, and I had serious issues managing aggro, even with whiteswinging only.. I eventually had to cancel my windfury as well, and ended the run around the same spot ~400-500 dps.
Again, I write this off to being somewhat rusty, and not being able to land that rotation correctly. So I get a chance to hit up heroic mech, just for the last part to help out a tank buddy of mine...and on a PvP server, you NEVER say no to a tank that wants you to come on an instance, since 90% of the warriors on the server are pvp builds. This time things went much better. With a geared tank, who is rockin devastates over and over I was able to hit about 750 dps for around 25 mins while we finished it up. That made me feel a LOT better.
Well the last leg in this journey, I saw a "LFM Gruul's Lair" and I got a little twinkle in my eye, and got a little misty... What BETTER situation to test my skills other than as a PuG in a 25 man raid. How fortuitous that I would be able to land that sort of thing within the first day of my pimping out my new set and rocking my new spec! So I hit up Gruuls, and struggled at first...was about 12th spot overall leading up to High King, and was able to get to about 10 by the end of the trash. We got High King, and I dropped a couple places, but the T4 shoulders dropped, and being a PuG in a raid, and they allowed us to roll I didn't feel bad about giving it a shot...well lucky me! I now have T4 shoulders, and a significant upgrade over my other ones that I had from karazhan. Well, by the time we finished out the run and got Gruul down, I was sitting pretty at #4 on the damage out charts, and 6th in dps, so I felt pretty good about it all. Across the board I was the top Melee dpser, and finally felt good about the new spec.
Side note: enhancement is awesome for grinding. You never have to stop! Never have to drink, you just pop shamanistic rage and keep rockin! Good stuff. I might even try a Kara or two, just to see how viable a spec this really is for me. Elemental is my first love however, and Resto is always needed, so I don't see myself staying enhancement long, but it was a fun ride!
Karma Call: When my Friend and I were trying to get the guild charter signed, we ran across a level 70 rogue that was unguilded and asked him kindly to sign our charter, and being and overall douchebag, and demanding 10g, we had to look elsewhere... Well, on my bank toon I put on the Auction House, two shadow pearls, of which usually run around 50 silver. Well I was going to put them up for around 46s and was going to be cool with that but I made a huge mistake.. I put them up for 46 GOLD. biggie, they won't sell and I'll slap my head and go DOH, and relist them at an appropriate price... well not even an hour later (before I had realized my mistake) they sold. I was confused at first when I saw the amount I was getting, but then realized what I had done, and was just astonished that someone actually had bought them.. Well I checked out who bought them and chuckled a little inside, because it was none other than our little rogue friend that demanded 10g. Man... what luck for me, and what suxor for him.. Oh well, I guess it teaches one or two lessons... one being to always be nice to noobs (even if they are feigning it), and always ALWAYS pay attention when buying stuff on AH, and be a little patient sometimes... There will always be more shadow pearls listed at far less of a price..
And with that I end my blog. More adventures to come I am sure!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
A Requiem for Boom and Other Tales
I feel cliche starting out like this, but else do you start a blog?
This is going to be my outlet for my World of Warcraft endeavors.
Allow me a quick introduction.
My name is Andrew, and I am a WoW player. I have played for almost a year now. I have a level 70 elemental shaman named Snostrebla. I rock restoration on occasion as well. Both specs I am geared completely through T5, and have little upgrades available up through least nothign significant. I have a level 32 Prot pally named Tigraine, and a couple others I haven't played enough to be worth mentioning. I am in the guild BOOM, and second-in-command to the Guild Leader only.
A quick description of the title of this particular blog and hopefully the general theme of this blog: BOOM is a guild that we have been rocking on Crushridge. The guild was started back on August 23, 2007. It was started as a guild to escape the clutches of a guild going hardcore, and having the ability to raid in a super casual setting with your closest buddies. I leveled from roughly level 50 and up, here in BOOM. We started rocking Karazhan back in Oct/Nov and we simply tore through it, thanks to a couple of super-experienced raid leaders, and we had a ton of fun and geared ourselves up really quickly since we were fully clearing it in three weeks.
Time passed, and we grew, inviting friends and family into the guild, and rocking Kara with all these folks as well, and then we reached a point where we didn't really have anything we could really do. We found ourselves in a position of not being able to really really hit anything hard after that. Zul'aman was a little too hard to bring just anyone in, and we have such a casual approach that we couldn't tell someone in all greens that they weren't good enough to run with us, and we didn't have enough for 25 mans and didn't want to recruit just anyone. We still had a good thing going, though. We had a group of around 20 really active players that were very considerate of others, and wanted to help everyone out, and then everything changed.
I blame myself a little, I blame the nature of the guild a little, and I blame the guild itself a little. The itch for 25-mans came upon us in force. All-of-the-sudden everyone wanted to do 25-mans. Well we were faced with a problem, because of our unique free-for-all guild structure, but at the same time all the players runing with integrity and mass amounts of skill, we wanted to avoid bringing in the loot whores. You have all probably played with one at one time or another. The person that talks in guild, or party constantly about X piece of gear, and usually works it into a conversation about as often as one would a newly ex-girlfiend or ex-boyfriend. We've all grouped with these people, and sometimes we tolerate them because they are our friends, but lets get real..we didn't want to deal with that anymore than we already did. Also we don't even want to delve into the realm of possible ninjas.
So we were faced largely with a recruiting issue, and it was particularly hard too because we have such a good reputation for tearing through stuff, and having really rock-solid players (gear aside). So we wanted more people, and had many clamoring to join up, but when you slip a little on your standards, and have to bring people in to fill spots on a 25-man raid, you are bound to start seeing some drama. "So and so died too early" "So and So drives me crazy, why don't we kick him?" "if so and so had done x, we would've killed y" All of these things may or may not be true, but what it ended up boiling down to was an overall lack of consideration for fellow raiders. To speed the 25-man jump we started rockin with another guild, and it worked well for a while, and then the scrubs started showing up. These are the guys that won't outdamage a tank, but get upset when healers aren't able to heal because they ran out of mana in a fight that was supposed to be half as long as it should be.
Long story short, things began to get ugly and many started to remember the success of the 10 mans and the old days. Many wanted to still raid, but we were in a cyclical loop. As a GM of a super casual guild, I cannot tell anyone to do anything really, and counting on others to be considerate at that point begins to just epic fail.
Things are at a standstill now for us. We can barely put a 10-man together. We've had people leave for bigger better things, and it looks like the GM's are just sitting on our hands and not doing anything. Partially its true, because we built and environment that was not conducive to fixing the problems we were having, and partially was due to lack of playing time, and many other things. Long and short of it is this: the glory days are going to be short, and a new era must dawn. Whatever the result is, I intend to keep playing.. no dramatic quit, no dramatic explosion. If things get worked out (as I am fully expecting they will as we plan and plan) great. If things fail, I can simply step down and continue my WoWing in some other capacity. As for now, I am done with listening to the whining and not being able to fix it.
The dawn of a new day, and a requiem for BOOM. I will be including my other adventures as well. Hope this is well enjoyed!
P.S. I realize that this sounds ultimately negative, but I really really really do love BOOM. It has seroiusly been the pinnacle of gaming enjoyment in a kid raised on nintendo and beyond. I have made super duper friends in there, and hope that I will be able to keep them, and keep playing with everyone! I am just sad to see its values and greatness passing.
If any from BOOM actually read this, hang tight. The horizon holds great great things, and its very very close.